SB2C-5 |
Reference Sources |
2, 3, 8 |
No of Crew |
2 |
Engine: |
Qty |
1 |
Model |
R-2600-20 |
Displacement |
(cu in) |
2600 |
Power |
Military |
(HP) |
War Emergency |
(HP) |
Normal |
(HP) |
1600 |
Take Off |
(HP) |
1900 |
Eng Dims |
Length |
(ft) |
5.51 |
Width/Dia |
(ft) |
4.51 |
Height |
(ft) |
Engine Wt |
(lb) |
2045 |
Propeller |
# Blades |
4 |
Dia |
(ft) |
12 |
Manufacturer |
Type |
Wing |
Span |
(ft) |
49.7 |
Thickness |
(%) |
17.0% |
(in) |
24.5 |
Area |
(sq ft) |
422 |
Wing (less Ailerons & Flaps) |
(sq ft) |
Ailerons |
(sq ft) |
Flaps |
(sq ft) |
Tail Area |
(sq ft) |
153.1 |
V Tail
Area |
(sq ft) |
45.7 |
Fin |
(sq ft) |
Rudder |
(sq ft) |
H Tail
Area |
(sq ft) |
107.4 |
Stabilizer |
(sq ft) |
Elevator |
(sq ft) |
Total Control Surf Area |
(sq ft) |
Length |
Overall |
(ft) |
33.61 |
Fuselage |
(ft) |
32.5 |
Body |
(ft) |
33.6 |
Body Depth |
(ft) |
Width |
(ft) |
Fuel Tank Volume |
(gal) |
Tanks |
(gal) |
FuselageTanks |
(gal) |
Oil Tank Volume |
(gal) |
Water Injection Fluid Tank
Volume |
(gal) |
Wetted Area (sqf) |
(sq ft) |
652 |
Pwr Ldng |
(lb/HP) |
8.13 |
Wing Ldng |
(lb/sq ft) |
36.60 |
Struct. Des. GW |
(lb) |
17000 |
Ultimate Load Factor |
(G's) |
12 |
Design Speed |
(mph) |
540 |
Not to Exceed Speed |
(mph) |
Total Struct Weight |
5697 |
Wing |
3018 |
Wing |
Ailerons |
Flaps |
Fuselage Carry-Through |
Tail |
390 |
H Tail |
275 |
Stabilizer |
Elevator |
V Tail |
115 |
Fin |
Rudder |
Body +
Eng Section + LG |
Body + LG |
2257 |
Body |
1374 |
Fuselage |
Engine Section |
Gear |
883 |
Mn Landing Gr |
808 |
Tail/Nose Aux LG |
75 |
Tail Hook |
32 |
Booms |
Nacelles |
Total Propulsion Weight |
3360 |
Engine w/ Accessories |
2158 |
Engine(s) as Installed |
2010 |
Accessories |
148 |
Turbocharger(s) |
Controls |
22 |
Propeller(s) |
523 |
2-Blade |
3-Blade |
4-Blade |
523 |
System |
40 |
Injection System |
Tanks |
Piping Etc |
System |
Lube System |
116 |
Tanks |
Piping Etc |
System |
501 |
Tanks |
Piping Etc |
Total Sys. & Eqpmt. |
1687 |
Instruments |
61 |
Controls |
256 |
Hydraulics |
141 |
Electrical Equip |
276 |
Electronics (Purple means
incl in Furn/Gray in Useful Ld) |
355 |
Arm Prov/Equipment
& Armor |
471 |
Furnishings |
127 |
Anti-Ice (If not in Furn) |
Other /Misc |
Hoisting Gear |
Floatation Gear |
Armor Plate |
Empty Wt |
10744 |
Basic Mission Useful Load |
4703 |
Crew |
400 |
Equipment |
Oil |
278 |
Fuel |
2130 |
Fuel & Oil Trapped
in Systems |
Water Solution for Engine
Injection |
Bombs/Torp Etc |
1000 |
Radio (if Not Included in
Empty Wt) |
Nav Equipment |
Oxygen System |
Armament |
775 |
Guns &
Ammo |
775 |
Guns |
365 |
Ammo |
410 |
Pyrotechnics |
Camera |
Other |
Other Useful Load |
120 |
Basic Mission GW |
15447 |