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Definitions and Nomenclature

Below are a description of some terms and concepts related to the aircraft analyzed on this site.

Experimental and/or Pre-Production aircraft would also be given an "X" prefix while service aircraft pending production orders would be given a "Y" prefix.  Some of the main Letter Designators used during the WWII period, along with definition on their meaning derived from Ref [12], include;
AAttacka tactical aircraft whose primary mission was to destroy opposing troops and enemy installations in the direct support of friendly forces12A-17A
ATAdvanced Traninersee the entry for Trainer aircraft below
BBomberthe primary bombardment aircraft of the USAAC B-17 Flying Fortress
BCBasic Combat (Trainer)see the entry for Trainer aircraft below 
BTBasic Trainersee the entry for Trainer aircraft below 
CCargolarger aircraft whose primary mission is the transport of cargo or personnelC-47 Dakota
FPhotographican aircraft whose primary mission is aerial photography F-6 Variant of P-51 Mustang
LLiaisona designation started in 1942 for light, typically low-speed aircraft capable of short field operation for use in close cooperation with Army field units, field commander inspections, fire support direction, and other miscellaneous tasks12L-4 Grasshopper
OObservationdedicated aircraft intended to perform scouting, liason and photo recon missions - by WWII in USAAC service appears to have been supplanted in thei primary roles by dedicated liason and photo-recon missions, and mostly relegated to courier duties and short-range anti-submarine patrols8O-52 Owl
PPursuitan aircraft whose primary mission is to engage other enemy aircraftP-51 Mustang
PBPursuit, Biplacea two seat Pursuit aircraft PB-2A
TTrainerfor Trainer - an aircraft whose primary mission is to train new aircrew.  In the WWII period this included
Primary Trainers
the 1st type of trainer candidate new pilots would fly
Basic Trainers
an intermediate type trainer in between the PT and AT types
12 BT-13 Valiant
Advanced Trainers
typically the final type trainer a candidate pilot would fly prior to transitting to operational aircraft
12AT-6A Texan
Basic Combat (Trainers)
a short lived designation used for trainer aircraft used to indoctronate new pilots prior to being assigned to combat squadrons.  The BC-1 was the only aircraft to use this designation and it was considered to be more or less a direct predecessor to the AT-6 type aircraft in USAAC service.
UCUtility Transport smaller aircraft whose primary mission is the transport of cargo or personnel UC-64A Norseman

Nomenclature Examples
Experimental and/or Pre-Production aircraft would also be given an "X" prefix while service aircraft pending production orders would be given a "Y" prefix.  Some of the main Letter Designators used during the WWII period include;

AAttackan aircraft designed to search out, attack and destroy enemy land or sea targets using conventional or special weapons.- also used for interdiction and close air support missions - this designation was first introduced in 194613Douglas AD Skyraider
BBomberan aircraft designed for bombardment of enemy targets13BD variant of the Douglas A-20 Havoc
BTBomber - Torpedo Bomberan airplane designed for both (dive) bombing and torpedo bombing - this designation was introduced in 1942BTD Destoyer
FFighteran aircraft whose primary mission is to engage other enemy aircraft13F2A Buffalo
JUtilitya general purpose aircraft used for various missions 13J4F Widgeon
JRUtility Transporta larger general purpose aircraft capable of also serving as a transport for cargo or personnel JRF Goose
NTraineran aircraft designed for training personnel in the operation of aircraft and/or related equipment, and having provisions for instructor personnel13N3N Yellow Peril
OObservationan aircraft designed to observe and report tactical information concerning composition and disposition of enemy forces, troops, and supplies in an active combat area13OY Stinson Sentinel
OSObservation Scout an aircraft designed to support both observation and scout duties, including serving as aircraft carried onboard battleships and cruisersOS2U Kingfisher
PPatrolan aircraft designed for maritime reconnaissance13Consolidated P2Y flying boat - a predecessor to the PBY Catalina
PBPatrol Bomberan airplane capable of performing as both a patrol aircraft or a bomber (and in some cases torpedo bomber) rolePBY Catalina
RTransportan aircraft whose primary mission is the transport of cargo or  personnelR4D Skytrain variant of the Douglas C-47
SScout an aircraft whose primary mission is to serve as a fleet scout, either flying off an aircraft carrier or as a float plane on a cruiser or battleshipCurtiss SC-1 Seahawk
SBScout Bomber (Dive Bomber)an aircraft capable of acting both as a scout aircraft or a dive bomberSBD Dountless
SOScout Observationan aircraft capable as serving as either a fleet scout plane or an observation aircraftSOC Seagull
SNScout Trainer an aircraft capable of serving as either a scout plane or a trainer aircraftSNJ Texan
TBTorpedo Bomberan aircraft that could perform as both a torpedo bomber or a level bomber TBF or TBM Avenger
Some of the Manufacturer Designator Letter Codes used during the WWII period include;
It should be noted that in this US Navy system, if a given design were being built at multiple plants owned by different manufacturers, the overall designator for the planes built at each plant would be different.

Nomenclature Examples
[Source: Ref [11] as annotated by this site]
                            [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
[Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
                      [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
                              [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
                      [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
                      [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
                      [Source: Ref [8] as annotated by this website]
Wing Img 2
Wing Img 3
Dive Flaps2
[Image Sources: 1st and 2nd image developed from 3D Model [Ref 10], 3rd image(s) - Public Domain - All images annotated by this site]
  1. Please note that I am still in the process of filling in and confirming some of the informationfor these tables.
Notes: This website has been developed with a number of low cost or free programs including Hot Metal Pro, KompoZer, MicroSoft Designer and Da Button Factory.com

Rev 3-11-25

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