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Propulsion Sub-Component Weight Groups Parametric Plots

The plots below show some of the preliminary parametrics plots that have been developed for the sub-component weight groups that make up the Overarching Propulsion Plant Weight Group for the single engine monoplane WWII era aircraft described in this website.  


Please note that; 
  1. Currently everything is still very much a work in progress and subject to further refinement and revision as I work to verify the data that I have currently transcribed from the references, and as I work to collect dimensional and powering data on the specific aircraft that I have weight data for.
  2. All weight units are in pounds and power units are in Horsepower.
As noted on the General Weight Summary Format page, the overarching Propulsion Plant Weight Group is equal to the sum of the;
The first plot below show the relationship of "Engine" (as installed) weight versus rated "Take-Off Power" of the engine, the second plot similarly shows a plot of "Engine Accessories" weight versus rated "Take-Off Power" of the engine, the third plot shows a plot of "Engine Accessories" weight versus the base "Engine" weight, and the fourth plot shows a plot of "Engine with Accessories" weight versus rated "Take-Off Power" of the engine.  

Engine Wt

Eng Acc Wt

Eng AccWt 2

Eng wAcc

This next plot below show the relationship between "Propeller" weight and rated "Take-Off Power" of the engine.

Prop Wt

The next three plots show relationship of "Powerplant Controls", "Starting System", and "Cooling System" weights versus,respectively.

Propulsion Controls

Starting System

Cooling System

And the next two plots show the relationship of "LO System" weight and "FO System" weight versus r
ated "Take-Off Power" of the engine. Eventuially I hope to further expand these analyses to also look at these system weights versus plane size and tankage capacity, in some form, as well.


FO Sys

Notes: This website has been developed with a number of low cost or free programs including Hot Metal Pro, KompoZer, Microsoft Designer and Da Button Factory.com

Rev 2-18-25

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