Tables & Figures for the Pre-Processor Part 3Principle Dimensions Estimation Once the total Combat System Weight is estimated it is possible to estimate a ship's Principle Diemsions. Below are several figures that can be used to assist in estimating these values. Total Combat System (C4ISR & Armament Systems) Weights- SWBS 400 & 700 First,
here are two figures relating Total Displacement to Combat
System Weight. If the total displacement of a ship is not known
then once an estimate of combat system weight is determined from the
above table, and estimate of total ship displacement can be made from
these figures. In these two figures I have included two
curves. One is based primarily on US Navy Ships (labeled USN) and
the other based primarily on nuclear ships (labeled USN(N)). Next,
here is a figure relating vessel length (on waterline) to
displacement. It can be used to estimate a design's length based
on the overall total displacement of the vessel.
Additionally, I have also included a second figure directly relating installed power to a "powering coefficient" as a secondary (backup) means of making an initial estimate of required installed power. Here the "powering coefficient" is defined as: Pcoef = 1 / ( Vk ^ 3 * Disp ^ (2/3))
is a figure relating total installed Generating Power versus Full Load
Displacement. It can be used to make an initial rough estimate of
the total installed generating power that will be required onboard a