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Engine Data

The table below shows a summary of the Engine Type, Power Output Ratings, Dimensions and Weight for the aircraft analysed on this website.


Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement  Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
   (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
 V-1710-81 1710       1360         P-40M 1, 5
V1710-35 1710 1150 1490 1150 1375 P-39D 1, 2, 5
V-1710-E4 (-35) 1710 1150 1490 1150 1375 P-400 1, 5
V-1710-39 1710 1150 1490 1150 1310 P-40E 1, 2, 5
V-1710-63 1710 1150 1580 1325 1435 P-39D-2 1, 5
V-1710-73 (F4R) 1710 1150 1580 1325 1345 P-40K 1, 5
V-1710-85 (E19) 1710 1125 1410 1200 1452 P-39Q-1 1, 5
V-1710-93 1710 1150 1825 1325 1613 XP-63A & P-63A-10 1, 5
V-1710-99 1710 1125 1360 1200 1355 P-40N-25 1, 5
V-1710-117 1710 1100 1800 1325 1660 P-63C 1, 5


Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
  (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
V-1570-61 1570       700       1040.76 PB-2A 2, 3


Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
  (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
V-1650-1 1650 1240 1435 1385 1510 P-40F & L 1, 5
V-1650-3 1650 1600   1280 1700 P-51B & P-51C 1, 5
V-1650-7 1650 1720   1315 1715 P-51D 2, 5


Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
  (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
L-440-1 440 175 4.43 1.83 2.79 376 PT-19 2, 3
R-440-3 440 132 PT-21 2, 3

Pratt & Whitney

Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
  (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
P&W S3C3G 1830 1100 950 1100 5.13 4.01 1463 H-75A (P&W) 4, 5
R-1340-27 1340 570 500 3.60 4.29 715 P-26A 2, 5
R-1340-47 1340 600 550 600 3.58 4.29 854 BC-1 2, 5
R-1340-49 1340 600 550 600 3.58 4.29 854 AT-6A 2, 5
R-1340-AN-1 1340 550 600 4.00 4.33 865 SNJ-5 2, 5
R-1830-9 1830 850 950 4.64 4 1292 P-35 2, 5
R-1830-13 1830 900 1050 4.94 4.005 1292 P-36A 2, 5
R-1830-76 1830 1100 1200 5.94 4.01 1550 F4F-3 4, 5
R-1830-86 1830     1100 1200 5.62 4.02   1560 F4F-4 1, 2, 5
R-2800-8 2800 2000 2250 1675 2000 7.81 4.4 2560 F4U-1 4, 5
R-2800-8W 2800 2000 2250 1675 2000 7.81 4.4 2560 F4U-1D 4, 5
R-2800-10W 2800 2000 1675 2000 7.37 4.375 2460 F6F-3 & 5 1, 2, 4, 5
R-2800-18W 2800 2100 1700 2100 7.81 4.4 2560 F4U-4 2, 5
R-2800-22W 2800 2100 2750 1700 2100 6.51 4.4 2359 F8F-1 2, 5
R-2800-59 2800 2000 1625 2000 6.31 4.375 2290 P-47D-25 1, 5
R-2800-63 2800 2000 1625 2000 6.31 4.375 2265 P-47D (early) 2, 5
R-985-11 985 440 440 BT-8 2, 5
R-985-25 985 450 450 3.53 3.81 665 BT-13 2, 5


Power Eng Dims
Model Displacement Military War Emergency Normal Take Off Length Width/Dia Height Base Engine Wt Aircraft Installed in Reference Sources
  (cu in) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (ft) (ft) (ft) (lb)    
R-975-7 975 400 400 3.54 3.75 695 BT-9B 2, 8
R-1535-13 1535 750 825 4.44 3.68 1130 A-17A 2, 8
XR-1820-22  1820 850 950 3.59 4.52 1105 X F2A-1 1, 8
R-1820-34  1820 850 950 3.59 4.52 1114 F2A-1 & F2A-1 #1 1, 8
R-1820-40 1820 1000 1200 4.03 4.59 1315 XF2A-2, F2A-2 & F2A-3 1, 8
R-1820-56  1820 1200 1300 3.96 4.59 1333 FM-2 1,8
R-1820-66 1820     1200 1300 3.96 4.59   1333 SBD-6 2, 8
R-1820-G5(-34)N548A 1820 850 950 3.59 4.52 1114 B239 1, 8
R-1820-G105 1820 900 1100 4.01 4.59 1272 339B & E 1, 8
R-1820-G105A 1820 900 1100 4.01 4.59 1287 H-75A (CW) 4, 5
R-1820-G205 1820 1000 1200 4.17 4.59 1302 339D 1, 8
R-2600-20 2600 1600 1900 5.51 4.51 2045 SB2C-5 & TBM-3 2, 8
R-3350-24W 3350 2100 2500 6.72 4.51 2822 XBT2B-1 2, 8
R-3350-26W 3350     2300 2700 6.72 4.51   2822 AD-7 2, 8

Parametric plots of the above data can be found at this link.


  1. Please note all units are in pounds and feet and that I am still in the process of filling in and confirming some of the informationfor these tables.
  2. For Dimensions, L = Length, W/D = Width (for Inline and V-Engines) or Diameter (for Radial Engines), and H = Height (only used for Inline or V-Engines)
Notes: This website has been developed with a number of low cost or free programs including Hot Metal Pro, KompoZer, MicroSoft Designer and Da Button Factory.com

Rev 2-21-25

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